You can get your credit repaired free by hiring a credit repair agency. These agencies can pull your credit report from all three bureaus and give you a free consultation to determine what needs to be done. They will also gather documentation that proves errors and send them to the bureaus. They can also help you with your financial decisions.
However, it would help if you were picky in your choice. Make sure the company you choose offers complete disclosure of pricing, fees, and other details. Avoid companies that are unwilling to provide such information. You can also contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, a nonprofit organization that provides free credit counseling to people with credit problems.
Credit repair agencies work by disputing inaccurate information in your credit report. The credit bureaus are required to investigate your dispute within 30 days, after which they must remove the data. These companies track the dispute process and send you to progress reports and updated credit reports. The agency’s goal is to help you rebuild your credit. Getting a better score will improve your opportunities for getting a loan or reasonable interest rates.
The first step in the process of credit repair is to obtain copies of your credit report. You must understand your credit report because it will help lenders determine whether you’re a reasonable risk for them. It takes a few months to a year to repair your credit. And if you’re aiming to buy a house, you should spend six months or more improving your credit score. Many companies will charge a monthly fee or a flat fee per deletion.
However, if you have several negative items on your report, you should consider paying down your debt before spending the money on the repair. This way, you won’t have to waste your money on a company that doesn’t provide results.
A third option is to repair your credit yourself. Although this approach takes time, it may be worth the effort if the damage is only minor. You can dispute inaccurate information through all three credit bureaus. Most credit bureaus provide dispute letter templates for this purpose. Alternatively, you can use a debt elimination company to improve your credit.
Lastly, you can hire a credit repair service with a 90-day money-back guarantee. It provides a credit repair package that analyzes your credit report and customized dispute letters. Credit repair companies are required by law to adhere to specific regulations. They should also respond to consumer complaints. You can check the CFPB database to see if a company is listed there.